by Keith Kirts
Angler The ultimate science fiction fishing book. Ten planets of tournament fishing spanning the galaxy and the amazing folks who live on these water planets. A triangle love story that keeps us laughing from the Swampfish forest to the universal stock market meltdown. The funniest fishing book since The River Why.

Book of the Monk Tossed into the hellhole of Pleura Prison by his political enemies, the Monk battles his way back to freedom with a crew of misfits. Martial arts in Outer Space taken to a new level.

Census Taker Trilogy A galaxy shattering love story between a space man and a married Earth woman. It took me three volumes and seven years to tell this one of a kind space opera of murder, revenge and unexpected blinding love.
Vol. 1 He Counts with a Blaster
Vol. 2 The Matronarchy
Vol. 3 Down to Earth

Coil Mother My most recent novel (September, 2023). So who is this Miss Chancy Walker? First of all it’s Chancy as in take a chance – not Chauncey. And what would you suppose is a Coil Mother? And with Nuclear Winter looming what possible use is the FAST Academy, peopled with misfit students thirteen to seventeen years old – brilliant in their way, but flawed. More flawed than the normal. Prudery about sex had kind of gone out the window since the West Antarctica Glacier calved a massive iceberg the size of Florida. The glacier cracked, and two years ago the chunk slid off the rocks, plunging into the ocean with a hellish water explosion. The biggest iceberg of all time, propelling a huge tidal wave that hit Australia and New Zealand, and causing the sea to rise instantly by two and a half feet around the world. Two feet six inches of sea level rise overnight changed a lot of minds about the relative stability of human lives. And then SETI discovered a space ship heading this way.

The Devil’s Drainpipe The first nuclear waste comedy. The nuclear industry wants to demolish Sri Raney’s monastery on the shoulder of the Devil’s Tooth, a granite mountain perfect for a nuclear waste depository. See this little band of misfits fight back against Big Brother. Screenplay available

Flash, the King One of the main characters is a timid tomcat who calls himself Flash. His owner calls him Dumbshit. This feline story is counter-balanced by the terrifying story of a Vietnamese woman who is risking everything to escape to America, the land of eternal sunshine and freedom.

Little Archer Girl The Cable P. Hawkins Quartet, Vol 1 – is a beaut of a detective novel. It’s got everything genre fanciers crack the cover for: a private eye protagonist with a hard-boiled hide and a touchable heart, a secretary who calls him, Boss, a full compliment of Irish cops, close scrapes and a sense of danger that accelerates like a general’s pulse on entering the War Room – Gene Sculatti, Ampersand Magazine.

The Cable P. Hawkins Quartet
Vol. 1 Little Archer Girl „Is a beaut of a detective novel. It’s got everything genre fanciers crack the cover for: a private eye protagonist with a hard-boiled hide and a touchable heart, a secretary who calls him, Boss, a full compliment of Irish cops, close scrapes and a sense of danger that accelerates like a general’s pulse on entering the War Room.“ Gene Sculatti, Ampersand Magazine
Vol. 2 LA Burning Hawk is hired into the world of Hollywood movieland to find some rotten apples.
Vol. 3 Hawk Gets Liberated Hawk enters the world of liberated women in a fine art fundraiser that goes way wrong.
Vol. 4 Long Pine Hawk verses the mafia in a small town land deal. At 65, Hawk still gets the girl. What a guy.

Missile Master A squad of young Military Policemen protect a missile base in the pumpkin fields of South New Jersey just prior to Vietnam. Lots of coming of age short-term romance with married women including the Colonel’s wife and the cute waitress at the only diner in town.

Okay, Fine A Hollywood story. A Dolly Parton look-alike movie star has a thing for the set carpenter working on her new movie. She must change the way she sees the world in order to catch him. A thriller to the max.

Space Sex Earth’s planetary agent and the transfer tech who screwed up must find Venus, the red haired sex researcher who lost her memory during the transfer to Earth before her powerful grandfather, the Senator, sends them both to an unhappy banishment. They stumble upon a Hollywood writer, who has written Venus’ story in his novel, Space Sex. He reluctantly joins them with his hot female agent for a rollicking chase after Venus. Screenplay available.


by Keith Kirts
The Birth of Acupuncture in America Among its many virtues, this book is a narration of the story of Dr. Ju, Gim Shek. As revealed for the first time, Dr. Ju was a real-life medical hero, a deeply devoted teacher who first brought the gift of acupuncture and Chinese medicine to North America. Beginning with a chance meeting in 1968, Dr. Ju passed his knowledge to the author, Steven Rosenblatt and a handful of other students. This small group of bold pioneers was the first “graduating class” in a field that has now grown to over 18,000 licensed practitioners in the USA. Screenplay available

Brides Book Advice for women about men on the night before their wedding by Rev. Bill Smith. Some of the things you need to know to keep your man happy, and at home.

Nova An odd and moving love story set in the hippy community of lower Topanga Canyon.

Renous River Coming of age in a deer hunting camp way up in the wilds of New Brunswick, Canada. Life is different in the far North.


by James Mathers
Children’s Guide to Astral Projection The Astral Plane is the natural domain of children, poets, and young creatives. They know this world, and you know they know.


by Keith Kirts
The Little Factory A Picture Book that deals with environmental factory pollution in a way that kids can grok.

„This is how love must feel.“ – Joey Capone